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Top 10 Questions Non-Christians Ask About Christianity: Past and Now (Source: InterVarsity)

I. Top 10 questions from the 60’s
(1) Is Christianity rational?
(2) Is there a God?
(3) Is Christ God? Is he the only way to God?
(4) Did Christ rise from the dead?
(5) Isn’t Christian experience only psychological?
(6) Are the Bible document reliable? Isn’t it full of errors?
(7) How can miracles be possible?
(8) Do science and Scripture agree?
(9) Why does God allow suffering and evil?
(10) What about the heathen?
II. Today’s top 10 questions
(1) Power and motive: why are Christians imposing their beliefs morality on “others”?
(2) Identity: How can you Christians think you can tell other people who they are?
(3) Hierarchy: Doesn’t the church legitimate certain hierarchical structures in our culture and society?
(4) Pain and suffering: why do I hurt? Why did my family break apart? Why is there so much hatred and violence in our community, in the world?
(5) Trust: why should I trust you? How can I trust the church that has done terrible things in the name of Christ?
(6) Authenticity and character: what about different forms of hypocrisy in the church?
(7) Interpretation: Isn’t the way you read a text and the way you see the world completely dependent on which community (culture) you belong to?
(8) Relevance: Does your belief transform lives? Does it make any difference?
(9) Social impact: Does your religion help society, particularly those who are marginalized or are poor? Or, are you just another self-serving group?
(10) Ecological environment: Didn’t Christianity cause the ecological crisis?
과거에 Non-Christian의 관심: What is the truth?
현재의 Non-Christian의 관심: What does the truth mean to me?


과거에는 비기독교인이 진리 자체에 관심을 가졌다면 지금은 진리가 자신에게 주는 의미와 기독교 진리를 믿는 사람들의 모습에 많은 관심을 가지고 있습니다. 또한, 과거에는 비기독교인들이 기독교 진리에 대해서 긍정적인 태도를 가졌다면 이제는 회의적이고 비판적인 태도가 많습니다. 이러한 상황 속에서 기독교의 복음전도 사역에 어떤 변화를 주어야 할까요? 이러한 상황에서도 변하지 말아야 할 부분은 무엇일까요? 현대의 교회들이 함께 고민해야 할 질문일 것입니다.